[3:00-5:00PM] - Check-In at YMCA | The Dining Hall
[6:00PM] - Opening Banquet | The Dining Hall
[7:30AM] - Breakfast | The Dining Hall
[8:30AM] - Singing & Prayer | The Great Room
[9:00AM] - Philosophy of Ministry (POM)
- Year 1: Introduction to the POM - Brent Corbin | The Great Room
- Year 2: Going Deeper in the POM - Les Newsom | The Classroom
- Year 3+: Resiliency in Ministry - Britton Wood | The Commons
[10:30AM] - Break
[10:45AM] - Philosophy of Ministry
- Year 1: Introduction to the POM - Brent Corbin | The Great Room
- Year 2: Going Deeper in the POM - Les Newsom | The Classroom
- Year 3+: Resiliency in Ministry - Britton Wood | The Commons
[12:00PM] - Lunch & Free Time | The Dining Hall
[2:00PM] - Philosophy of Ministry
- Year 1: Understanding Theological Assumptions in the POM - Brent Corbin and Michael Hall | The Great Room
- Year 2+: Non-anxious Leadership for Youth Ministry: A Systems Approach - Dr. Tom Gibbs | The Commons
[3:00PM] - Break
[3:15PM] - Philosophy of Ministry
- Year 1: Understanding Theological Assumptions in the POM - Brent Corbin and Michael Hall | The Great Room
- Year 2+: Non-anxious Leadership for Youth Ministry: A Systems Approach - Dr. Tom Gibbs | The Commons
[4:30PM] - Evening Assembly | The Great Room
[6:00PM] - Dinner Out (on your own or with a group) & Free Time
[7:30AM] - Breakfast | The Dining Hall
[8:30AM] - Singing & Prayer | The Great Room
[9:00AM] - Prayer Groups
[12:00PM] - Lunch & Free Time | The Dining Hall
[2:00PM] - Afternoon Plenary Session
- Partnering with Parents - Kristen Hatton | The Great Room
[3:00PM] - Break
[3:15PM] - Afternoon Plenary Session
- Partnering with Parents - Kristen Hatton | The Great Room
[4:30PM] - Evening Assembly | The Great Room
[6:00PM] - Dinner Out (on your own or with a group) & Free Time
[7:30AM] - Breakfast | The Dining Hall
[8:30AM] - Singing & Prayer | The Great Room
[9:00AM] - Long Form Elective
- Developing Volunteers into a Team - Doug Franklin
- Frontline Trauma-Informed Care - Joey Kime
- Building and Nourishing a Gospel Culture in Ministry Marriages - Scotty and Darlene Smith
- Fear, Failure, and the Freedom to Learn - Jessie Swigart
[12:00PM] - Lunch & Free Time | The Dining Hall
[2:00PM] - Short Form Elective (A)
- Sabbath Rhythms - John Perritt
- Fostering a Bible Reading Culture with Students in Ministry - Linda Oliver
- Leading Discussions for Learning - Jessie Swigart
[3:00PM] - Break
[3:15PM] - Short Form Elective (B)
- How to Engage Students with Theology - Linda Oliver
- Moving from Teaching to Discipleship - Doug Franklin
- A Unique Call: Working with Females in Ministry - Rose Ohnstad
[4:30PM] - Evening Assembly | The Great Room
[6:00PM] - Dinner Out (on your own or with a group) & Free Time
[7:30AM] - Breakfast | The Dining Hall
[9:00AM] - Closing Session
- Anxiety and Insecurity in Ministry - Richie Sessions
[10:30AM] - Benediction & Farewell