HSCO Activities

Paid Activities

Horseback Riding:
When: Tuesday 1:40-2:40pm OR 3:00-4:00pm; Wednesday 1:40-2:40pm OR 3:00-4:00pm
Cost: $70. Must take a waiver and arrive 20 minutes early to Jackson Stables.

Mountain Biking:
When: Tuesday 1:00-2:15pm OR 2:45-4:00pm; Wednesday 1:00-2:15pm OR 2:45-4:00pm
Cost: $35. Must sign waiver online and check in at the uhaul in the parking lot outside of Aspen Dining Hall.

Free Activities


Ultimate Frisbee Tournament - View Bracket
Where: Fields below dining hall
- Six on six. Only one leader on the field at a time for each team.
- Games will be played in two 5 minute halves.
- If the score is tied at the end of the second half, there will be a sudden death overtime period that will last for 3 minutes. First team that scores, wins the match.
- If the game is still tied after the 3 minute overtime period, one player from each team (not a leader) will throw a frisbee as far as they can. The team with the farthest throw wins the match.
If the frisbee goes out of bounds, the other team will throw it in from the spot where it went out.
- Once a team scores, they will walk to the other end and “kick-off,” throwing it to the other team.
- If the disc lands out the back or side of the end zone, the other team brings it out to any spot on the goal line and begins their possession.
- You may not take more than two steps with the frisbee before having to stop and throw it.
- If a disc is caught simultaneously by and offensive and defensive player, the offensive player retains possession.

Gaga Ball Tournament - Sign Up Here 
Where: Gaga Ball Pit by the fields
- If the ball hits you below the knee, you are out. If it hits you anywhere else on your body, you’re still in.
- Once one person touches the ball, they may not touch it again until it has hit off the wall or been touched by another person. If a person double touches it, they are out.
- Last person standing wins

Guided Hike - Sign Up Here 
Moraine park - easy first day acclimation hike. 2.5 miles round trip.
Leaders: Please download the COTrex app (GPS enabled app that shows where you are on any trail in CO).


Soccer Tournament - Sign Up Here 
Where: Fields below dining hall
- Six on six. Only one leader on the field at a time for each team.
- Games will be played in two 5 minute halves.
- There will be no goalkeepers in this game. Each team may place someone near the goal to defend it, but they must stand outside of the semi-circle drawn around the goal. And they may not use their hands.
- If the score is tied at the end of the second half, there will be a sudden death overtime period that will last for 3 minutes. First team that scores wins the match.
- If the game is still tied after the three minute overtime, there will be a shootout from midfield with no goalie. Each team will choose six players to take turns kicking from midfield into the goal. The team with the most goals wins.
- If it’s still tied after all six players have kicked, both teams will wrestle each other for dominance. Just kidding. If it’s still tied after that, we start at the top of the lineup and continue rotating midfield penalty shots until one person makes and the other misses.
- Teams will be instructed to referee themselves.

Spike Ball Tournament - Sign Up Here 
Where: Fields below dining hall
- Two on two.
- Games will be played to 21 by rally scoring (every rally results in a point, regardless of which team served), win by 2. If the game is still tied at 24-24, the next point wins.
- Teams will be instructed to referee themselves.
- A representative from each team will play one game of rock, paper, scissors to see who gets to serve first.

Indoor Games Tournament
We will have a variety of games set up to play in the Assembly Hall.

Talent Show: Sign up here!

Guided Hike: Sign up here! 
Bible Point via Glacier Creek Trail. Steeper hike to great views. 3 mile loop hike with 550 ft elevation gain.
Leaders: Please download the COTrex app (GPS enabled app that shows where you are on any trail in CO).


Basketball Tournament - View Bracket
Where: Basketball courts by the fields
- Three on three. Only one leader on the court at a time for each team.
- Regular field goals will count as one point. Threes will count as two.
- Normal games will be played to 7. Final four games will be played to 9. The championship game will be played to 11. You only have to win by one point.
- Teams will be instructed to referee themselves (on fouls, travels, out of bounds, etc).
- A representative from each team will play one game of rock, paper, scissors to see who gets the ball first. Every jump ball from that point out will alternate possession. - Teams must keep track of this themselves.
We will not play “make-it, take-it.” Every score results in a change of possession.

Volleyball Tournament - View Bracket
Where: Courts by the fields
- Six on six. Only one leader on the court at a time for each team.
- Games will be played to 25 by rally scoring (every rally results in a point, regardless of which team served), win by 2. If the game is still tied at 29-29, the next point wins.
- As in normal volleyball, if the ball hits the line, it’s in. It is only out if it lands completely outside the boundary.
- Teams will be instructed to referee themselves on all calls (except in the championship game where interns will call boundary calls and nothing else). Carries and net touches should be called loosely. If it’s so bad it disrupts the game, call it. If it’s small and not very significant, play on. Use good judgment, and be gracious to each other.
- A representative from each team will play one game of rock, paper, scissors to see who gets to serve first.

Mario Kart Tournament - View Bracket
Where: Assembly Hall

Guided Hike - Sign up here! 
Sprague Lake from YMCA. 6 miles round trip with 860 ft elevation gain. Beautiful lake at 8700 ft with stunning peak views.
Leaders: Please download the COTrex app (GPS enabled app that shows where you are on any trail in CO).

Other options
- Hiking (on site, in Rocky Mountain National Park, and multiple other accessible areas)
- Swimming (indoor pool)
- Gaga Ball, non tournament
- Spike Ball
- Kan Jam
- Horseshoes
- Goofy Golf (Putt Putt)
- Tennis
- Disc Golf