Worship: More Than a Moment
Davis Hester
Everyone worships something. The question isn’t if you worship, but what you worship. It is more than the songs we sing or the truths we confess. Ultimately Worship is not just a part of the Christian life; it is the Christian life. Each choice you make, habit you form, and desire you pursue is an act of worship. So, what—or who—are you truly living for?"
Christianity in Sports
Gwen Bachman
There are not many universal languages, but sports is certainly one of them! Whether you want to go pro or are a casual fan, the world of sports has an undeniable impact on our lives. High level athletes are given platforms to influence culture, universities spend millions of dollars to build the best teams, and family schedules revolve around practices and tournaments. It's not just a game. But is it possible we're paying attention to the wrong thing? Could God have something even better for us than a championship?
Hoping in the Promise of Glory
Patrick Fischl
The Bible tells us that we are “citizens of heaven,” and promises that we will one day be with God forever. But what will heaven actually be like? Will we sing worship songs endlessly? Will we have wings and halos? Will my dog be there? It’s great to wonder and ask questions—but It’s even better to explore what the Bible promises about the life to come. In this seminar, we’ll look at the promise of glory, discover what we’ll be like in heaven, and reflect on how this hope shapes our lives today.
Cooking Up Some B.A.C.O.N.
Taylor Howsmon
The “Doctrines of Grace” help us understand what the Bible says about who we are, how God saves us, and how we can live with confidence as God completes the work He begins in us. Using the acronym BACON (kinda like TULIP, but better because it’s bacon), we’ll explore these beautiful truths and how they communicate the very good news of the Gospel to us.
Zach Meyer
What is sanctification besides some theological word? Want to understand why you struggle to change in your relationships and what you can do about it? Do you struggle to understand how to grow in your relationship with God? Do you wonder what part of your personal growth has to do with yourself and what part has to do with God? Come join us to find out the answer to some of these questions and more. Better yet, bring some questions you'd like to get answers for as well!