HSFL3 2025

How to get unstuck! Understanding the doctrine of sanctification and finding hope in the Gospel for real change

Adam Coppock

Do you ever feel stuck? Do you ever wonder what sustainable change looks like in your Christian life? Do you ever get frustrated that you don't feel like you are growing fast enough? Welp, you and me both! These are real struggles. The challenge of the Christian life is to recognize that the same Gospel that saves you is the same gospel that sanctifies you. We are prone to get discouraged when we feel like we aren't growing or we get stuck in a pattern. We will look at the doctrine of sanctification together and walk through a model of change that gives hope and a vision for real change in your life

Just Tell Me How To Choose?!

Ben Clarke

Where do you want to go for lunch?” “I don’t know!” That’s a little decision. But there are some big ones: like where do I go to college, how do I choose a spouse, is this the right job for me—and those are weighty! Have you ever asked everyone in your social circle what decision you should make, as though there were a deep cloud of mystery hovering over every choice you make? There are lots of decisions that each of us make daily, and even more over the course of a year, or the span of your life. Fortunately, Scripture isn’t silent on making decisions. In this elective we’ll look at how to make decisions that you can be confident are honoring to the Lord. My hope for you as you come to this elective is that you’re encouraged, that your confidence in scripture is built up, that you grow in confidence, and that you live you life confidently in a way that reflects the hope of the Gospel. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act. Psalm 37:5

Blueprints 2.0: We Are (Not) The Same

Colton Underwood

Our world is confused. Are men and women interchangeable, virtually the same outside of a few visual distinctions? Or are we so different that it’s virtually impossible to understand one another? Either way, what is a man? What is a woman? Does it even matter? In this study, we’ll seek to uncover the lies we’re told and are tempted to believe about masculinity and femininity with an eye to building a balanced, biblical structure that rejoices in the God who made men and women in his image.

Why the Church Matters

Mac Purdy

Info coming soon.

Closer Than a Brother

Taylor Bruce

For many of us, Jesus can sometimes feel far away—like he doesn’t care about us, or maybe that we've messed up so much that he won’t talk to us until we prove ourselves worthy of his love. But the Bible reminds us over and over that we are “in Christ” and that he is “in us,” united with him and each other because of his love. As we explore this idea together, we’ll better understand how, why, and for what purpose we are saved; knowing that Jesus is closer than a brother.

The Power of Story

Joe Deegan

The best stories are the ones where you discover along the way that the author had purpose and meaning for every little thing that happened. What if our lives were not just a series of random occurrences? What if they were, in fact, part of something bigger, written by a God who revealed himself to us through, of all things, a story?

Life after High School (recent graduates only)

Brent Corbin

Maybe you are someone who has been ready for this day for a looooong time, or maybe you’re someone who doesn’t feel like you’re quite ready for what’s next. Whichever one describes you, one thing is certain: your life is about to change, and maybe in some really significant ways. In this class we will look at life after High School and how it is that you can not just follow, but live for the Lord in this next phase of your life.

Questioning Christianity

Austin Lenox

How can a good God allow such pain and suffering? How can we really believe the biblical account of creation? How can we say that Chrisitanity is the only true religion? The list goes on and on. Whether you are asking these or you have friends that are, the good news is that you're hardly the first to ask. More good news? There tend to be pretty satisfying answers to them! AND what if even more important than finding answers to these questions (important!) is finding a gracious God on the other end of them that welcomes them, isn't afraid of them, and longs to reveal Himself to you and others? Come question Christianity with us. Please feel free to send in your own pressing questions to Austin@RedeemerMemphis.org if you'd like for them to be addressed.

Juuust Right!

Caleb Wilcke

Once upon a time, there was a girl who entered a cabin and found three bowls of porridge. One was too hot, one was too cold, but one was juuust right! What if the good news of the gospel is that Jesus has made you just right (perfect) before God. Come explore what Justification is all about. What bowl of porridge are you?

From Awkward & Sweaty to Confident & Courageous

Jeff Bagley

Have you ever felt awkward and didn’t know what to say? Have you ever been really excited and done something embarrassing? Have you ever betrayed your closest friend after telling them you would never do such a thing? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’re probably more like the Apostle Peter than you think. Come hear how God used a sweaty & awkward fisherman in his plan to turn the world upside down and ultimately made him a confident and courageous disciple.

The Love of God is Like…

Michael Hall

We hear love applied however one wants to whatever one wants, from marriage to shoes to delicious bacon! Maybe you’ve struggled to love well. Maybe you’ve been hurt by someone who said they loved you. Maybe you wonder if you really know what love is like at all. Love is a God thing. God’s love is the most complete, most perfect and wonderful expression of love in all creation - for God IS love. Because our experience of love is often diluted and misguided, we don’t fully appreciate His love and therefore miss out on the blessing He offers us in it. The Bible shows how God goes to great lengths to profess His love for His people using numerous metaphors and images. Join us for this elective as we consider how wide and long and high and deep is the love of God in Jesus...and in more fully knowing this love that surpasses knowledge, we may be filled with all the fullness of God, enabled to trust Him more confidently in the hard times and celebrate Him more richly in the high times.

Designed for Relationships

Mary Henley Green

Come learn more about relationships: how we are designed for them, why they can be so messy at times, how we can have healthy relationships, and how God reconciles our relationships with friends, parents, dating, etc.


Sonny Walker

When you have been wronged, it is easy to think that the only way to make it right depends on the other person. They must apologize or be punished, then I will be okay. But, that is a lie, and the Bible teaches us a different idea: Forgiveness. Forgiveness is not about forgetting, but to not forgive has consequences. In this time together, we will look at the Biblical idea of forgiveness, discuss how we practically forgive, and see the freedom forgiveness gives us.

The Confidence of Control

Stephen Biggs

How do we make sense of suffering and sovereignty? If God really has total control over everything from wars to the most recent hurricane to Lebron's hairline (Matt. 10:30), then why does he allow evil in the first place? When we really dive into what God's Word says, we can move from doubting God to finding great comfort in him. Come seek solace in the truth of reality controlled by a good God.