HSFL2 2024

Beyond a Reasonable Doubt

David Barnes

In law, that phrase is the expectation of proof in order to declare someone guilty. But, is "beyond a reasonable doubt" the expectation of the Christian faith? In other words, can you be a Christian and have doubts about the Christian faith? If you do have doubts, what should you do with them? Can you be assured of your salvation in Jesus Christ? If so, how? We'll answer those questions and others, so, bring your doubts, questions, uncertainties, and dubieties (I didn't know that word either), and we'll look to God and his word for answers.

The Bigger, Better Story

Brent Corbin

I want someone to like me and, and maybe even one day to be married. I want to have fun and be adventurous. I want to feel good. I want to live a life full of meaning. I want to have friends. I want to be okay with who I am. I want to stop messing up. I want to take care of the world. I mean, who wouldn’t - these are really good things! But these things are too small. You were made for more. In this class we will explore the Bigger, Better Story into which God calls us to live, which helps us to make sense of our longings and gives us a framework to help us think about and approach the good things that we want out of life.

Blueprints: Advice for Dating in a Post-Christian World

Colton Underwood

Navigating the world of romance and dating is far from easy, even in a world that operates under Christian assumptions. Now more than ever, living in the midst of a culture that rejects a Christian morality, finding out how to pursue serious relationships faithfully seems like a minefield. Dating or courting? How do I know I’m ready? What should I be looking for in a partner? What’s a red flag and what’s a yellow flag? How should I discuss and uphold boundaries? In this elective, we’ll attempt to deconstruct the myths and misconceptions about dating that we may have taken in from the world around us while simultaneously constructing positive blueprints for pursuing relationships biblically. In doing so, we'll attempt to give you practical tools to go into these next few years with confidence that you can pursue romantic relationships—when ready—and do so in a way that honors Christ and draws you nearer to him.

Dark Night of the Soul: Understanding the Place of Suffering and Grief in the Christian Life

Adam Coppock

Does it feel sometimes like life is just way harder than it should be? Does it feel at times like there's so much pain, so much loss, and so much evil in the world that it's hard to do know what to do with it all? You certainly aren't alone. Actually over 1/3 of the Psalms would attest to the very feeling you have today. In this class, we will look at the grand narrative of Scripture to better understand the place of suffering in our stories and how grief can actually be the fertile soil of redemption and restoration in our lives. We will learn some practical tools to root our suffering stories in the grand story of the suffering Savior who has secured for us a lasting hope that speaks a victorious message of new life for us today.

The Fish Bait We Take and the Impact it Makes: Experiencing Freedom from the Lies We Believe

Mary Henley Green

Have you ever seen an Instagram story of friends hanging out without you and think to yourself, "Why wasn't I invited? Am I not a good friend? My friends do not like me, I am not loved, I need to prove my friendship, etc." Friends, these are some lies that we believe! Come to this seminar as we wrestle with questions of: where do these lies come from, what are the lies I am believing about God and myself, and where can I find the truth that sets me free?

Gotta Go My Own Way: Finding Peace and Clarity in Decision Making  

Avenly Jones

High school is filled with hard decisions. Who to be friends with, what sport to play, which jobs to say yes to, when to cancel plans, and when to go anyway. It’s easy to feel buried under the weight of the expectations others have for you, your own desires, and your limitations. While the Bible may not tell you what college to pick or if you should break up with your girlfriend, it does offer a great deal of wisdom about a wise “yes” and “no”. If you feel weighed down under all these choices, come join us and learn about the rest, peace, and clarity that God offers you as you navigate decision-making.

Homesick: Living with the Longing for a Better Day

Matthew Icard

Do you ever get that feeling that something just isn’t quite right? Do you ever look around and think things aren't supposed to be this way? Do you ever want something different or better or more? Do you ever get discouraged or confused by the brokenness of the world and the brokenness of your own life? Does real, lasting contentment feel far away or even unattainable? If you answered “Yes!” to any of these questions, then you might be…well…homesick. During this elective, we’re going to talk honestly about our hopes, our disappointments, and our deepest desires. Along the way, we’ll see that we’re all actually longing for the same thing: eternal life with Christ and his people in the New Heavens and New Earth.

I Forgive You?

John Porter

What makes forgiveness so difficult at times? What does God have to say about forgiveness? How can I become a forgiving person? If you're anything like me, forgiveness can be a tricky subject. If you struggle to truly forgive others, you're not alone! In this elective, we'll discuss different cultural attitudes toward forgiveness, some things that make forgiveness hard, and the biblical framework for why forgiveness is necessary and good.

Insecure: Fighting Our Lesser Fears with a Greater One

John Perritt

It’s there when you look in the mirror. You’ll find it roaming the halls of your school. It tucks you in at night and greets you as you roll out of bed. You’ll read it and see it on social media. It’s in our conversations and is always rattling around in our minds. What is it? Insecurity. Insecurity is something all humans struggle with. Young and old, male and female, across the globe – insecurity has no boundaries. While it is a commonality among humanity, it doesn’t mean it’s something you have to live with. Insecurity is painful for many, but there is a greater fear to drown out this lesser one. Scripture tells us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. It is in this greater fear, that we learn how to grow, live, and, possibly defeat, our insecurity.

Out of Control

Caleb Wilke

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind, wanting to start again? Life can feel like you are just floating through it and there is no purpose or plan. The good news of the gospel is that God is loving, kind, and in control of all things. Come and explore the sovereignty of our good God and what that means for us. “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." - (Romans 8:28)

Redeemed to be Renewed

Josh Reagan

Redemption in Jesus is such a wonderful truth that is rivaled by no other but sometimes we have a shortsighted view of what all he has accomplished for us. As great as forgiveness of sins and righteousness credited to us is, I am here to tell you that there is more! Jesus lived, died and rose to pay the penalty of sin and break the power of sin in your life. In this class we are going to discuss the doctrine of sanctification or our growing in Christlikeness. We will examine these truths from a biblical and confessional perspective and seek to apply them in practical ways. I hope you'll join me!
Redeeming Relationships
Scott Byrd

High school relationships can be hard. Maybe your best friend is growing distant. Maybe you just had a huge fight with your friend and aren't sure what to do next. Maybe you are fighting with your parents more than you ever have. Maybe you feel like nobody really knows the real you. Maybe two people in your friend group just started dating and now things are weird because you want to spend time with your friend but the other person is always there and you're just a third wheel now and things aren't like they used to be and you just want things to go back to how they were before but it can't because if they break up, you'll have to choose a side and if they stay together, you're forever the third wheel so you might as well find a new friend group. In this class, we'll talk about how the good news of Jesus practically helps us navigate messy relationships. It is only through Jesus that broken relationships can begin to be restored to how they were meant to be.

What if This Is All There Is?

Twila Masaschi

What if “good things” never come and I’m stuck, in this place, in this suffering, in this grief? What if this is it? Is it enough? Why me and why not me? Join me as we walk through different bible stories, seeing how it was enough to lean in and trust Jesus…the one who loves us far more than we can fathom…during trials and suffering. HE is enough.