HSCO 2025

Two Wonders: Worth and Unworthiness

Speaker info coming!

Info coming.

God Revealed: The Mystery of the Trinity

Josh Fikkert

All Christians profess faith in the Trinity, but-–if we're being honest—it is a doctrine we are often uncomfortable with and all too ready to sideline and ignore. But what if the Trinity is not just a complicated philosophical idea but the very heartbeat of the Christian life? In this elective, we will dive into the reasons why we believe in the Trinity, what the Trinity is (and isn’t), and the difference the Trinity makes for our daily Christian life.

Truth vs. Trash

Josh Holestine

Our lives can often feel like information overload, not to mention our own constant, internal monologue. How do we wisely filter through what others tell us (peer-talk) and what we tell ourselves (self-talk) to decide what is worth keeping? Only by understanding what God says is profitable for our good and His glory (God-talk) is this possible!

Decision Making

Lee French

Every day, we make choices—big and small—that shape our lives. How do we know if we’re making the right ones? In this class, we’ll explore what the Bible says about decision-making, learning to seek God’s wisdom, trust His guidance, and align our choices with His will. Through Scripture, discussion, and real-life applications, we’ll discover how to make decisions that honor God and lead to true peace.

Hooked on a Feeling: The Effect of Dopamine on our life and faith

Thomas Fitch

Have you ever wondered why the “camp high” feels so strong the last night of a retreat, but wears off so quickly after? Why distractions feel so easy and productivity feels so hard? Why spiritual disciplines often feel more like discipline than blessing? Why we can be surrounded by so much abundance, entertainment, and opportunities and still feel so empty? If we’re honest, living in a technology-filled, social media-driven, doordash-delivered world isn’t as much of paradise as it sounds. In this class, we’ll look at the impact that dopamine has on our modern lives and how the Bible offers a solution to help us lead richer, deeper lives of joy and peace.

The Power of Story

Joe Deegan

The best stories are the ones where you discover along the way that the author had purpose and meaning for every little thing that happened. What if our lives were not just a series of random occurrences? What if they were, in fact, part of something bigger, written by a God who revealed himself to us through, of all things, a story?

An Alien Righteousness: How Am I Saved?

Jeremy Britt

Perhaps the most important question we can ask in our lives is "how am I saved?" Whether you think you're "too far gone" or if you think you're "not that bad," the Gospel says something to you about salvation. When we think about faith, there is no greater doctrine than the doctrine of Justification. Martin Luther said it's the doctrine "by which the church stands or falls." In this class, we will look at how grace and justice collide in your life and answer the question: "How Am I Saved?"

What is God? How Should We Think of God?

John Revell

There are very few questions of equal importance. What you believe about God and what you think He is like will determine everything else in your life. If God is the beginning of all things, then understanding God's attributes is the starting point for understanding the world He has created and the salvation He has unfolded through the timeline of the Bible. It's crucial for us to think of God correctly and biblically because we become what we worship (Ps. 115:8; Eph. 5:1). So I invite you to join us as we explore the wellspring of all our theology: The Divine Attributes - The Character of our Triune God.

Sovereignty of God: The Elective Elective

Zach Mashburn

Is God truly in control of everything? If He is, why is there evil in the world? Does His sovereignty mean we don’t have free will? If God knows I'll choose chocolate ice cream, can I still choose vanilla? Most importantly, is God in control of my salvation? Join us as we dive into the doctrine of God's sovereignty—His reign over life, death, and salvation. We'll explore how this truth provides comfort, assurance, and clarity in our everyday lives. God’s sovereignty is good news—come find out why! There will be plenty of room for discussion, so bring your questions.

The Gospel in Popular Movies

Nathan Duke

Many of us love going to the theater and sitting down with a bucket of popcorn to watch the newest blockbuster movie. There is something amazing about seeing a good story play out on the silver screen. For some stories like The Lord of the Rings or Dune, we can see how they are influenced by the story of the Bible. For others like Inside Out or Wicked, we may have to do a bit more work to learn what they are teaching us. In this class, we will learn how to discern the messages of popular movies in order to compare or contrast them with what Scripture teaches us.

How God Meets us in Sadness and Suffering

Joey Perez

Suffering and sadness aren’t exactly what we signed up for. But these hard moments are part of our story. As messy and painful as they feel, we have a God who hears, sees, and cares about our hurt. Join us as we explore how God meets us in our struggles, why our tears aren’t wasted, and how the hardest chapters of our lives can lead to something beautiful.

When We See His Face

Oscar Palin

Where our faith leads us is ultimately to a new beginning. If you have put your faith in Jesus, there is hope of a new beginning where we will all be the people we were meant to be, where the world will be as it was meant to be, and where evil no longer persists. When Christ returns to gather up his people, there will be a new beginning where we will be before God's face and he will be with us and we will be with him. Come learn about this new beginning for those who have put their faith and trust in Christ.